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Nine years ago, I took an Introduction to Jewelry Making course with Continuous Education at the Vancouver School Board. I have always been interested in jewelry, but up to that point I was always just a customer, never a creator. In my day life, I work with numbers and abstract concepts. Jewelry making gave me the opportunity to craft something tangible; something that exists in the physical world. I draw inspiration from nature, but also from architecture and fashion. Textiles and different textures feature prominently in my designs. The pieces in this show started from a piece of lace that made an interesting imprint on a flat sheet of metal. The pattern resembled snakeskin and got me thinking about change and transformation. I chose to use synclastic techniques to transform the flat sheet of silver into the curvy forms of the bracelet and earrings that you see here. Please enjoy my work! It has brought me great pleasure and satisfaction to craft this, and I hope it brings the same delight and inspiration into your life. 

Elena Surcheva

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